Vi invitiamo ad una serata in cui si parlerà di Crisi energetica. Marco Bigatto, direttore dell'AIL, ci parlerà dei seguenti temi:Da dove arrivano i gas e l'elettricità che utilizziamo tutti i giorniSistema di distribuzione di elettricità e gasSituazione attuale e per il prossimo inverno, quanto è...
Im Nähworkshop hast du die Möglichkeit, kreativ zu sein und mit einem Nähprofi neue Ideen auszuprobieren, dich inspirieren zulassen und die Wirkerei als Werkstätte zu entdecken. Bring auch deine eigenen Werke mit. Lerne, wie man etwas häkelt, strickt oder ein Armband knüpft.
For 31 years, Terre des Hommes Suisse has been organising the Marche de l’espoir on a Sunday in October on the Quai du Mont-Blanc in Geneva. The largest solidarity event of its kind in Switzerland involving children, it mobilises every year nearly 4000 children and young people, accompanied by thei...
Tickets direkt via
What is a REM? REM stands for Rotaract European Meeting. It is a twice-annual convention of Rotaractors from across Europe to share ideas, make connections, and explore new cities! Expect informative workshops, nightly parties, and lots of excursions and activities around the city! There are option...
Together with the Rotary Dreiländereck we have a joint event with the Nippon School Basel. We will do a training together where we can improve our judo skills.
The Foundation's areas of focus concentrate the efforts of each of us to strengthen the impact of our projects locally and globally. One of these areas is mother and child health. Rotary and the World Health Organization are organizing a meeting at WHO headquarters in Geneva...
The Foundation's areas of focus concentrate the efforts of each of us to strengthen the impact of our projects locally and globally. One of these areas is mother and child health. Rotary and the World Health Organization are organizing a meeting at WHO headquarters in Geneva on October 21-22, 2022...
Durch Philipp Keller, den CEO des KKL Luzern und Rotarier vom RC Wasserturm, haben wir die tolle Möglichkeit diese Führung in unser Jahresprogramm aufzunehmen. Anschliessend zur Führung essen wir gemeinsam in der Seebar und klingen den Abend aus.
Chers lauréat·e·s, Chers Président·e·s des Rotary clubs soutenant la Fondation, Chers membres des Rotary clubs, Chers membres et anciens membres de la Fondation Elsner, Chers invité·e·s, La Fondation Hermann Elsner, ainsi que les quatre Rotary clubs des lauréats des prix 2022, ont le grand plaisir ...
Compte-rendu : Lors de cette journée six de nos membres se sont installés (de 8h à 17h) à l’entrée de la Coop de Vevey pour inviter les clients à contribuer aux cartons du cœur. Armés de notre bonne volonté, notre équipe s’est vite rendue compte que l’affaire n’allait pas être évidente. Le briefing...
At the beginning of November, one of the biggest events of the Rotary Year 2022 will take place. The OC describes it like this: " In November, Basel will be in the spotlight: the Rotary world gathers in the heart of Europe to focus on intercultural exchange, our commitment and our future. A majo...
This year, the Rotary Institute is taking place in Switzerland. This is a great opportunity for us Rotaractors to have a closer look at the international structure of Rotary. This event is generally open to all Rotaract Members. This year's location represents an advantage for those members who can...
GETS (Governor Elect Training Seminar) 2. - 4. November 2022 Institute Basel 22 4. - 6. November 2022 PROGRAMME ET INSCRIPTION
Auch im November treffen wir uns zu einem Stammtisch in der Bar im Kornhauskeller zum gemütlichen Zusammensein und Austausch.
Buongiorno a tutti, ecco un'ottima occasione per riunirsi fra club (Round Table, Ladies Circle, Leo e Rotaract) e favorire la reciproca conoscenza fra giovani professionisti. Il programma della serata è il seguente:18.30 - 20.00 Sala Lugano - presentazione dei 4 club (Rotaract, Leo, Ladies Circle...
Rotaract Solothurn is celebrating its 11th anniversary. This has to be celebrated. If you would like to celebrate with them, please visit the website of Rotaract Solothurn and buy a ticket there.
Abbiamo il piacere di invitarvi a questa serata in cui verrà presentato il progetto Nipoti si diventa. Il progetto Nipoti si diventa A tutti sarà capitato di andare a fare visita a nonni, o a persone anziane e durante quell’incontro è sembrato di entrare un po’ come in una delicata bolla, nella qua...
Eric Goessler, CEO of H. Goessler AG, will visit us and hold a presentation about dialogue marketing and his business, as well as the manufacturing of envelopes. H. Goessler AG is a four generation family-owned company which manufactures wallet and pocket envelopes and other packaging products. You...
Following Oliver Rosenbauer's lecture on Polio Eradication, the Club is launching a group order of PolioPlus chocolate to be withdrawn at the club meeting of December 2nd. One box of CHF 35 contains 24 chocolates. From this sum, 20 CHF are donated to Rotary PolioPlus fund. This sum is tripled by th...
Last event of the Hands-On Event with the Rotary Dreiländereck. Sign up:
Together with the Rotary International we will do a joint Pub Crawl on 29.11. We will be divided into groups and then fight against each other for the Pub Crawl victory. I am looking forward to doing this together with the Rotary International. Registration will take place on the Rotary Internat...
We would like to invite you to our seventh official meeting in this club year on Tuesday, 29th of November at the restaurant 13`80.Hortensia von Roten, historian and daughter of Iris and Peter von Roten, will visit us and hold a presentation about the feminist opus of her mother "Frauen im Laufgitt...
Il Rotary Lugano Lago ci invita ad una serata il cui tema principale è il Rotaract Ticino e i suoi progetti. La serata sarà incentrata sulla presentazione del nostro Club e dei relativi progetti fatti, in particolar modo ci si soffermerà sul progetto "Marks Hurt no more". Oltre alla presentazione ...
Gemeinsam wollen wir den Berner Sternenmarkt besuchen. AUf diesem Weihnachtsmarkt wollen wir bei einem Glühwein oder Glühpunsch nicht nur die verschiedenen Stände entdecken, sondern auch eine schöne Zeit miteinander verbringen.
Am 10. Dezember treffen wir uns in der Bakery Bakery Breitenrain (Schärerstrasse 23, 3014 Bern) zu unserem jährlichen Weihnachtsbrunch.Hier lassen wir das letzte Clubjahr gemeinsam Revue passieren, freuen uns auf einen regen Austausch und einen leckeren Brunch.
Colletta alimentare e di beni di prima necessità a favore di Tavolino Magico, presso la Coop di Bioggio Il Rotaract Ticino partecipa alla raccolta alimenti organizzata dall’Associazione Il Sole della Solidarietà a favore del Tavolino Magico. I soci del nostro Club che si mettono a disposizione saran...
Vi invitiamo alla cena di Natale del Rotaract Ticino. La cena si terrà presso il ristorante Grotto Antico di Bioggio martedì 13 Dicembre 2022 alle ore 19.00. Vi chiediamo di iscrivervi entro Venerdi 9 indicando il Menu che preferite Menu di carne: Bis di Carpaccio di Black Angus con vinaigrette all...
The Rotaract Zürich board is very happy to invite you to this year's Christmas dinner! Since it's tradition for our Club, we will meet for a series of traditional Swiss cheese fondue. Like last year again at Fischer's Fritz directly on Lake Zurich. Note: there’re only 25 spots available
Zum Jahresabschluss treffen wir uns zu einem gemütlichen Stamm am Rudolphs Weihnachtsmarkt in Luzern. Inseli-Park Luzern, 18 Uhr
Il rotary Locarno ci invita ad una serata presso l'Hotel Belvedere di Locarno. Il tema della serata sarà il Rotaract Ticino e i suoi progetti, in particolar modo Mark Hurt No more. La serata inizierà alle 18.30, per chi volesse partecipare e non riesce ad esserci per quel dato orario ce lo comuni...
There will be a guided tour of the Primeo Engerie Cosmos and the Learning Centre. Afterwards there will be an aperitif. Arrival: from 17.45 Start: 18:00 End: from 20.00 Arrival: By tram BLT 10, stop Elektra Birseck. By train S3 direction Laufen, stop Münchenstein Address: Weidenstr...
Peter Hartmeier, communications manager, journalist and former chief editor of Tages-Anzeiger, will hold a presentation on the development of the news industry and opinion forming. He will explain this on the basis of his various professional stations (to name just a few: Paris, Badener Tagblatt,...
Geneva is full of museum, but very few know the Musée Tatiana Zoubov. Countess Zoubov was a collector of 18th’s century furnitures and objects, and has lived in this well preserved Hôtel particulier (town house) of Rue des Granges… One of Geneva’s most discreet yet luxurious street in the heart of ...
In der Mini Generalversammlung werden wir neue Mitglieder aufnehmen und den neuen Vorstand für das Clubjahr 23/24 wählen.Wer einen Antrag für die Aufnahme in den Club stellen möchte oder sich auf den Vorstand bewerben möchte, kann sich gerne beim jetzigen Vorstand melden.Bei der Mini-GV wird es ein...
Jeden 3. Freitag im Monat ist "Fiirabigbier". Sei auch du dabei!!!
Date: Saturday, 21 January 2023 Time: 6 pm Venue: Didi offensiv, Erasmusplatz 12, Basel Price: 100 Swiss francs per person or 700 Swiss francs per team (the price includes an aperitif as well as finger food throughout the evening. Will be covered for us (many thanks at this point) Fundraising...
Vi invitiamo alla nostra assemblea presso il Canvetto Luganese Il menu della serata prevedePanzerotto e mozzarella con insalatina NovellaRisotto con Broccoli e Gamberi Bavarese al cioccolato Iscrizione entro sabato 21 gennaio 2023 vi chiediamo di informarci su eventuali intollerante il costo de...
Wir treffen uns zu einem gemütlichen Stamm im der Rathausbrauerei Luzern.